Thursday, December 31, 2009
Enemy Quote
Winston Churchill
Pretty harsh quote, but interesting nonetheless.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
From last year, let me state my pet peeve:
It's rude not to spell it out! Why do people insist on shortening Christmas with an X then adding "mas." I don't even want to spell it out for this blog entry - that how uncouth I think it is!
Christmas is ABOUT Christ. CHRIST should not be removed from Christmas!!
Oh, and, Happy Holidays!!! :)

Monday, December 21, 2009
Dell Order Has Shipped
B&H Photo Order Shipped
Within 7 days of each other, the two email titles above were sent to my little email inbox. I can't wait!!!!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Got his tail caught... err, his, ya know.
Anyway, check out what my good friend Phil Capelle has been saying about Tiger:
- The Tiger Woods Scandal: Spraying to All Fields
- Tiger Woods Big Opportunity
- Woods Actions Put Sponsorships in Jeopardy
- The Tiger Woods Guessing Game
- Tiger Woods’ Shoddy Defense
- Tiger Woods Hits a New Low

All this talk lately of Tiger makes one look at this pic differently now, doesn't it?
Friday, November 27, 2009
The Internet Is So Smart
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Back in June, I was talking to a friend and I said, "all I wish was for him to be happy." I was speaking of one of my ex's. It then donned on me right then and there that I never wished that for myself. "Hmmm...." I reflected. I have said that before about my ex's, but this time it resonated (loudly!) that I could been thinking this way about myself.
I have actually said this my whole life to my Mom and about my Mom, "all I want is for you to be happy, Mom," but it never donned on me I could relate this to myself. Is that because I was already very happy? Or is it something we don't think about about ourselves?
I am a very happy person, do what I want to do, live life to the fullest, love my job, help others as much as much as I can, and appreciate my blessings, but yet, was I really doing extra things for myself that could make me even happier?
I can't begin to be able to describe the difference on this day - the day I wanted for ME to be happy.
This realization was truly eye opening. I have had goals in life and have achieved them; I have a great life (I think) and yet I still never said that about me (why would we say that about ourselves?).
Could I be even happier because of this profound moment?
Well, in addition to continuing to be happy and living life to the fullest, I thought of three things that I could work on/do that would make me even happier. While it's tough for me to fathom "happier," it is happening. An interesting result has occurred - I am having more fun because I'm happier about the success of these three things I am working on, which leads to me to truly being happier.
I still don't think I explained this well....
And if this blog post comes across as selfish, vain, arrogant, whatever, that is not my intention. This truly has been a wonderful realization for me, and I think also for those around me who have witnessed this important "transformation." Being happier is one thing, seeing happiness on a person is one thing, but smiling more and enjoying life is another.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Air Movies
Monday, October 19, 2009
Loss For Words
Sometimes, the loss for words are so deep, it's like a never-ending, empty water well.
I have lost someone I loved and cared for, so you'd think I'd know what to say... and maybe I do? But, to see others that I dearly care for go through loss..... is actually very tough for me to see them suffering, hurting, grieving. I feel so badly for what they are going through....
Thursday, October 1, 2009
New Laws in Texas
AUSTIN, TX --- A number of new traffic and vehicle laws in Texas go into effect Sept. 1, the Texas Department of Public Safety said, including selt belt requirements and cell phone restrictions. Here are some of the laws set to take effect in Texas:
- HB 537 requires all occupants of a vehicle, no matter their age, to be secured by a safety belt, no matter where they are seated in the vehicle; changes the definition of a passenger vehicle to include a passenger van designed to transport 15 or fewer passengers including the driver; removes the current exemption for third-party Medicaid transportation provisions regarding the use of child passenger safety seats; and prohibits a motorcycle operator from carrying a passenger under the age of five, unless the child is seated in a sidecar attached to the motorcycle.
- SB 61 amends the existing statute regarding child passenger safety seats. The bill requires that any child younger than eight years of age be restrained in an approved child passenger safety seat unless the child is at least 4 feet, 9 inches in height. The fine is no more than $25 for a first offense and $250 for a second offense. The law also creates a new court cost for conviction of an offense under this section to be collected and used by TxDOT to buy safety seats for low-income families. The law becomes effective on Sept. 1, 2009, but tickets for this offense cannot be issued until June 1, 2010. Police officers are allowed to issue a warning before that date.
- HB 55 makes it illegal to use a wireless communication device in a school zone unless the vehicle is stopped or a hands-free device is used. Cities or counties wanting to enforce this law must post a sign at the beginning of each school zone to inform drivers that using a wireless communications device is prohibited and the operator is subject to a fine. It is a defense to prosecution if the operator was making an emergency call.
- HB 2730 increases the penalties for driving while intoxicated with a child passenger by adding an automatic driver license suspension period for first-time offenders and an increased suspension period for repeat offenders. The driver license re-instatement fee for completing an education program will rise from $50 to $100. The law closes a loophole so a person who commits an offense as a minor cannot circumvent the driver license penalty if the person turns 21 before their court date.
- HB 2730 allows a new Texas resident to operate a vehicle without a Texas license for 90 days instead of the current 30. (This provision went into effect on June 19, 2009.)
- HB 2012 creates two new punishment enhancements: a Class B misdemeanor if a person drives with a suspended license and without insurance; and a class A misdemeanor if the person driving without insurance or a valid driver license has an accident and someone is seriously injured or dies as a result of that accident.
- SB 129 authorizes neighborhood electric vehicles (NEVs) to be operated on roads with a posted speed limit of 45 miles per hour or less. The bill authorizes driver license holders to operate NEVs without having a motorcycle endorsement, clarifies that drivers and passengers in such vehicles are not required to wear helmets and specifies that enclosed three-wheeled vehicles as described in the bill are authorized to operate in preferential lanes.
- HB 2730 requires that all applicants under the age of 18 take the driving skills exam to receive a driver license. The law also requires that a provisional driver license (under 18) or instruction permit expire on an individual's 18th birthday, removes the requirement that a provisional driver license or instruction permit be renewed annually and increases the fee for those licenses from $5 to $15. It also extends the current phase-two restrictions for holders of a graduated driver license from six months to 1 year. These restrictions include limited night driving, prohibited use of wireless communication devices and a limited number of passengers.
- HB 339 increases the total hours of behind-the-wheel driving instruction a teen receives from 14 to 34 after TEA develops criteria for curriculum. (Goes into effect May 1, 2010.)
- SB 1317 creates a six-hour driver education course required for driver license applicants 18 years of age or older. It also mandates that applicants 25 or under must submit to an approved driver education course. (Goes into effect March 1, 2010.)
- SB 328 gives DPS the power to suspend a minor's driver license if he or she fails a breath or blood alcohol test while operating a watercraft. Chapter 524 of the Transportation Code also clearly defines the suspension period for an individual who was under the age of 21 at the time when the offense of boating under the influence or driving under the influence of alcohol occurred. The law also increases the reinstatement fee for a license suspended under sections 49.04-49.08, Penal Code from $50 to $100.
- HB 2730 increases the driver license sanction from a one-year CDL license disqualification to a lifetime disqualification if a person uses a motor vehicle to transport, conceal or harbor an alien. If a child is engaged in conduct involving a severe form of trafficking persons, a judge at a juvenile hearing is required to order the juvenile's driver license or permit to be suspended.
- HB 2730 prohibits DPS from issuing a driver license or identification card to a person who has not established a domicile in Texas. The law specifies that an applicant may receive a driver license at a post office box only if the applicant's residence address has also been provided, with some exceptions.
- HB 1282 makes it a Class B misdemeanor to steal a driver license, commercial driver license or personal identification.
- HB 2730 increases the fine for a parking violation at the state Capitol from $10 to $25, and increases the late fee from $2 to $5.
- SB 589 requires that window installers place a vehicle equipment safety compliance label on a windshield, side or rear window stating that the window tinting complies with the appropriate provisions of the Transportation Code. Failing to place the required label on the vehicle could now lead to a $1,000 fine for the window installer.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Why Did They Say That?
People become defensive because of why they think you're saying it.
Pizza and the 'Boys

Pappa Johns Pizza has an AWESOME deal.
Cowboys Toppings for Touchdowns:
Every Monday and Tuesday, Pappa Johns has a Dallas Cowboys Special: Get a Large Cheese Pizza for only $7.99 plus a FREE Topping for every Touchdown scored in the previous weekend's game.
Last night there were 2 TDs against Carolina and therefore 2 TD's = 2 free toppings. One Monday after a pre-season game, Mom and I were able to get 4 free toppings on her pizza for only $7.99. :)

Monday, September 28, 2009
About Time...
My Mom was in the hospital for 32 days and every day I did not set an alarm clock (unless of course she had an early morning procedure). Otherwise, because I wasn't going in to work or because I would see her before going to work, I just didn't set my alarm.
After she was home, I still didn't set my alarm. My hours at work are 9am to 6pm. My body normally wakes itself up between 730am and 830am every day - no matter what time I go to sleep the night before.
I wonder how many other people do not set their alarms or use an alarm clock?

But right now, I don't set my alarm clock. Why do I find that so odd?
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Movie Withdrawals
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff
- One of the most effective ways to create a happier, less stressed, and far more balanced life is to remember that there is far more to life than winning and losing.
- Excessive thinking about the perceived inequities in your relationship will frustrate you and stress you out.
- One of the ultimate tests of being human is to be able to wish someone else well - even when you may be hurt. If you can do this, you''ll experience the magic of the healing power of love.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
You can never tell...
During the first week at the cold, beige hospital, the cardiologist gave her an echo cardiogram. They bring in this big, stupid machine and it takes pics and scans as they rub her skin all around her heart. I held her hand because at times it was very painful to her, and it seemed to last about 30 minutes or so. It was uncomfortable for her the whole time.
The next day we find out the results of that particular heart test (she would have several other heart tests/procedures). The echo cardiogram showed Mom had two leaky valves. :(
Luckily, the two dysfunctional leaky valves were still working about 60% and the doc said there was no need for a surgical procedure to fix them, nor medicine to take for them.
As I drove to see her at the hospital the next morning, I remembered I had a screwdriver in my middle console. I searched and prodded through the crap in the middle console of my SUV, trying to navigate the steering wheel, and finally found the screwdriver at the bottom of the console as I was driving. My purse was on the passenger side seat and I put the screwdriver inside it.
As I walked through the hallways, navigating through the hospital to get to Mom's ICU area, I wondered how my Mom would react to the screwdriver. Would she think it was funny or would she be upset? She was in ICU at this point and so things

I came into her room slowly, and she was awake watching something on the few channels they had and then gave her a big hug and kiss and said my hellos and asked how her morning was going so far. She shared with me what she had for breakfast and commented on her nurse that she liked. I then sat down in the chair in the room and scooted it near her bed and I held her hand. I looked into her sleepy eyes and said seriously, "I brought something for you."
She perked up a little bit, curious to what I brought. Was it another book or a magazine, I bet she wondered. I then took the screwdriver out dramatically with a "voila" type ninja move and she just looked at it. I then said, "well, I brought the screwdriver in to help fix your leaky valves."
I waited for the "WTH" mood or the laugh and luckily, she laughed! Whew! She thought it was hysterical and we both laughed as I added, "well, I don't want my Mom to go around town with two leaky valves for crying out loud."
Monday, September 14, 2009
Two Year Anniversary
When I see the moon, it reminds me of my Dad. Here is his watching over me on a trip just last month:
And here is my favorite photo of him and I:

Not sure he ever saw this pic, though. I took it with my work phone so not sure I was able to show it to him. I just recently enlarged it and printed it and it's hanging in my house right when I walk in.
Thank you for listening to me and for being there for me and Mom still.
Love always,
Smallperson Bailey the 1st
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Window Washer Surprise
Monday, August 31, 2009
Dove Sayings
From Dove Chocolate wrappers:
- Take time to reflect on the beauty that surrounds you!
- Girlfriends prefer you listen, not give advice.
- Make it happen, every day.
- Learn to let go.
- Life is about creating yourself.
- Inhale. Exhale. Smile.
- Don't let anger rent a room in your head.
- Remember, everyone has story.
- Be still, breathe, know - you are fine.
- Be downright silly every once in a while.
- Living well and being happy is the best revenge.
- Never let others' opinions change the way you feel about yourself.
- Be who you are - originals are much more valuable.
- You are SO worth it!
- Do what feels right
- Life is precious and an opportunity for you to make every moment count.
- Live in the present.
- Failure is.... only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.
- Learn something from everyone you meet.
- Make a list of your dreams.
- Make "someday" today.
- Your presence is often the best present.
- Do not look back and ask why, look forward and ask, why not?
- Don't think about it so much.
- Be a good listener to your friends.
- Keep believing in yourself and your special dreams.
- Do a little more each day than you think you possibly can.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Then I returned a few small things at Target two days later. As I stood in the short line I read on a nice sign that if you don't have a receipt, just show them the credit card you used and if it has been within 90 days, the system will find the charge on your credit card and voila! You magically get credited without hassle and without a receipt. WOW! GREAT customer service.

Monday, August 17, 2009
Stressful Destresser
I had some rollerblades that I LOVED but they broke after about 8 years and I didn't know where I had bought them. The next ones I bought were too big. So then I decided to try rollersKates - those were always fun! But, the ones I bought did NOT work well on the asphalt and I almost fell several times.
So while I looked for a better pair of skates with smooth wheels, I ended up buying a new set of rollberBlades in my correct size because skates are hard to come by unless you buy them from the Internet. :(
Well, I put the new, correct-size rollerBlades on and they sure felt more comfortable than the other pair that were the wrong size. lol. As I rollerBladed along, while listening to my ipod, I had been gone about 15 minutes when I realized the right wheel was crooked; extremely crooked, actually. I tried to straighten it out as I skated along and WAM! I fell. I landed on the top of my left hand and scraped up my knuckles. Ugh. I got up, and wiped the embarrassment off my ass and as I skated along some more I wondered if it was a pebble that caused me to fall... and then I noticed again the severe crooked wheels and as I straightened my right foot, WAM! I fell again. Shit! This time I fell on my left knee and again on my palms and forearms.
I decided to take them off and walk all the way home with them under my arms. As I walked home, I realized it could have been a lot worse - broken bones, landed on my face, cracked my head open, etc. I was pretty fortunate for the scrapes only, even though they stung like hell.
So, what should have been a wonderful de-stressful time turned out to be very stressful. I got home, called Mom, and she immediately could tell something was wrong. I found the band aids and neosporin and limped upstairs. :(
I have been rollerblading for over ten years and had never fallen until that day. Dag nabit!! Well, I have resorted to walking with the dog...
Pizza is Easy
If You Died Today....
I had this sense of be-ing surrounding me. I had a sense of completeness. I am very happy with all that I have accomplished in life and feel if I was to die today, I would not go scratching and clawing and wanting to be back because I wanted to do more or should have done this/that or had regrets. Nope, not me.
I know it sounds morbid, but think for a moment if you are happy in your life; satisfied; content; blessed; fulfilled. I feel I am very blessed. I hope my friends and family feel the same way.
Let me bore you and list a few specific examples as to why I feel blessed:
- I had a memorable childhood that I like to reflect on - growing up in the Texas Hill country along the Frio River
- I not only went to college, I had a blast in college.
- I LOVE my job.
- I have had wonderful pets in my life (still do).
- My Mom and I live together and I love being so close to her.
- I drive the car I always wanted as a child.
- I live in a house I always drove by and wish I lived in.
- Customer service (helping people) has been my overarching goal in my professional life and with my hobby (passion) and with my job I help people every day and with my passion, I ran a Tour for women to achieve their dreams and I also became an ambassador of sorts for Texas tournament players.
- I have designed my dream cue and play with it now.
- I won a tournament.
- I have been in love.
- All I ever wanted was for my Mom to be happy - I think she is happy.
- I am blessed to have dabbled and had a little talent in poetry, art (drawing), photography, webdesign, webgraphics, and yet also a mathematician.
- I have good friends and family.
- I was able to love my Dad and get to know the true, dedicated, loving man he is before he passed.
- I had a beautiful wedding.
- Was able to be a part of a great leadership program at work.
- Had a dear friend help me in my mid 20s from being overly sensitive toward everything in my life.
- Many very amazing people have crossed my path and come into my life.
And of course there are things that have happened to me in my life that I don't wish on anyone. I just try not to focus and dwell on the bad, sad, unfortunate things that have happened - that list would be longer than the one above!
But I live life knowing that everything happens for a reason and more importantly, I try and learn from everything that happens - the good and the bad. I don't see things as "bad" things happened to me - I see them as growing experiences; learning experiences; LIFE experiences. I suppose it's how I can look at things that make me realize I am truly blessed.
If I died today.... I'd be okay.
(of course this blog post is being written almost 5 weeks after my severe depression lifted. I wonder if I would have thought the same during that time? I sure hope so.)
Friday, August 14, 2009
Remember, it's how you look at things
— Henry Miller
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Popcorn Hospital
Ten days later, I'm scared as hell. What will the 40 minute procedure show? Will she stop having internal bleeding and can come home? I am not doing well - not being strong for her. I am disappointed in myself. :(
She and I will get through this, together, though.
In the mean time, check out these lovely hospital photos:

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
It's His Loss
The amazingly handsome and sexy Channing Tatum was married this month (July 2009)
Every movie he is in.... I go see. :) I'm the same way with James Marsden. :)
To mourn their union, errr, mourn HIS loss, here are some pics of the sexy man himself:

Bread and Butter
Your mate doesn't live by bread alone; he or she needs to be "buttered up" from time to time. - Zig Ziglar
Monday, July 6, 2009
2009 Movies
I'll update this as the year goes on...
Avatar (okay, I saw it in 2010) - I really liked it!
It's Complicated - Really liked it!
Up in the Air - liked it!
Surrogates - I liked it.
GI Joe - very disappointed. The only good thing about it was I went with a friend of mine to see it, so I wasn't alone for the two hours. LOL
The Ugly Truth - it was okay
Bridal Wars - liked it
Mall Cop - saw it on a plane, did NOT like it.
He's Just Not that Into You - saw on a place, liked it.
Duplicity - okay.
State of Play - liked it.
Fighting - liked it.
Up in 3D - eh, okay.
Terminator 4 - liked it!
The Hangover - liked it.
Transformers 2 - liked it!
Public enemies - didn't like it.
Ice Age 3D - liked it.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Five Things That Waste Your Energy
In order to create that which we most want in our life, we need ENERGY! Sounds obvious, but for many it's a surprising new fact. The first rule of any decent conservation plan is to stop wasting energy. There are many energy-drains that we become oblivious to as we live our life on a day-to-day basis. Here are some energy wasters and how to combat them, so that you can free up your energy and use it to build your dreams.
- Needless worry.
Worry over every little thing in your life is one of the most efficient energy drains there is. It's sole purpose appears to be to fill our mind with constant concern over the most mundane things. In that way, we seem to give ourselves a good excuse for not working on what is really important to us.
How to Stop the Leak: Unless you are in immediate physical danger, identify what's worrying you. If you can not control or influence the outcome, let it go. There is a less than 1% chance that the thing you are afraid of will even happen. Stay tuned in to the probabilities and take some long slow deep breaths. Then, focus on what's really important to you!
- Doing for the sake of doing.
We live in an action-oriented culture. If we're not doing, we are made to feel guilty. There is little value placed on thinking or planning. We fill up our lives with activity, purposeful or not, just to prove we are doers, as if that alone gives us our value. This is especially true if you are a person who goes inside to process information. The apparent lack of activity on your part is considered to be laziness by those who process information by talking aloud or doing.
How to Stop the Leak: Don't just look at your to-do list. Look at why the item is on your list. Is there true value in it? What would happen if it never got done? Does anyone (including you) really care about this item? Review your list and eliminate the items which you can't even remember why you put them on the list. Then, start focusing your energy by asking the question: What is the most important thing to do RIGHT NOW? Even without paper in front of us, most of us know what that is. Taking care of the most important thing first recaptures energy as we enjoy the completion and feel energized to do the next most important thing. Incompletions are big energy wasters!
- Anything broken that needs to be fixed.
At any given time, most of us have a list of things around the house that need fixing or just some attention. Burnt out light bulbs, leaky faucets, anything that must be done 'just so' to make it work, these are just some samples to give you the idea. If it needs your attention, give it!! If you don't, you will spend more energy trying to remember to call the plumber than in actually getting the plumber to your house!
How to Stop the Leak: As Nike says, "Just do it!". The worry about trying to remember to get it done and the annoyance caused by the broken item are serious energy drains.
- Trying to be Perfect.
When we focus on being perfect, we consume a lot of valuable energy on a fruitless mission. While we can certainly work on becoming our best self, it's important to note that our best self isn't perfect. It's just the best we can be today and a striving to be even better tomorrow. Perfection is unattainable. That's a simple truth. So spending a lot of energy on getting it 'exactly' right will burn up valuable energy and put us on a hamster wheel of wasted energy.
How to Stop the Leak: Recognize and accept that perfection is not a goal to go after. It is much better (and healthier) to focus on becoming your best self. This will release a lot of energy and self-judgment, which drains even more energy.
- Friends who Take, Take, Take your Energy.
I don't know anyone who doesn't have at least one friend like this. Bottom line, it's all about them. It is a waste of time to try to have a dialogue because all they really want is someone to listen to their monologue. Worse, these people seldom want to talk about the good things in their life (apparently, there never is anything good!). You get off the phone, feeling exhausted and you barely said two words. Or, all you got to say was to agree to do whatever they needed.
How to Stop the Leak: Wish this friend well and let them go! Be less accessible to them when they call. Set expectations at the beginning of the call: "Gee, I only have about 10 minutes before I have to xxx." Then be firm about keeping to that 10 minutes. If they don't start calling you less, then I'd say to invest in a caller ID system so you can see who is on the phone. If you don't feel you have the energy to talk to this 'friend', then don't. You can call them back later when you are feeling stronger. This doesn't make you a bad person, just someone who is committed to own self care.
Most-Requested Column
Written By Regina Brett, 90 years old, of The Plain Dealer, Cleveland , Ohio
1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.
5. Pay off your credit cards every month.
6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.
9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.
10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.
13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.
16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful , beautiful or joyful.
18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.
19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.
20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.
21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.
23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.
24. The most important sex organ is the brain.
25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: 'In five years, will this matter?'
27. Always choose life.
28. Forgive everyone everything.
29. What other people think of you is none of your business.
30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.
31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
32. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
33. Believe in miracles.
34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.
35. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
36. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.
37. Your children get only one childhood.
38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else’s, we’d grab ours back.
41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
42. The best is yet to come.
43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
44. Yield.
45. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Let ME Out
I have been super depressed for just over two weeks.
When will it subside?
When will it end?
I have had episodes of depression in my life before, but this one is brutal. I haven't smiled in so long. I want to get out of this funk.
What will be the trigger?
When will it occur?
The good thing is I am getting a lot done at work and I am sleeping. But, I am sad for some reason.
I need to put the ME back in Melinda. Giving 110% to every aspect of my life but myself is taking it's toll. I'm taking steps, but I still don't feel up to par.
I feel so alone.
I can't wait for this to go away. I am ready!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Backyard Trees
So, we hired a couple of kids in the neighborhood who do this for other neighbors as well and we feel quite proud allowing them to make a little extra money. However, I only mowed the backyard once or twice in ONE year so by the time I finally gave in to the kids asking if I wanted my backyard to be mowed, it was WAY overdue. WAY.
Here, see for yourself:

Pretty damn funny to me!!! I told my Mom -well, you wanted some trees in the backyard. LOL! Of course, I wondered how the dog was handling the weeds and tall grass and thought she was prolly having trouble going to the bathroom with such interference. hehe. Anyway, some fertilizer and one cut so far has led to a great looking backyard. :)
Airport Female Bathrooms
Every time this happens I want to bitch and moan. I have finally decided to just leave my suitcases outside the door. I can no longer frustrate myself by arm wrestling with my luggage and fighting to close the door, while trying to get them inside the stall because it's simply physically impossible. Argh!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
More Good Advice!
"If you want to change the way you feel about people, you have to change the way you treat them" - Anne Lamont
Friday, June 12, 2009
Stop-Loss on Worries
Here is a saying that makes a lot of sense to me.
Put a "STOP-LOSS" order on your worries. Decide just how much anxiety a thing may be worth--and refuse to give it any more.
From Dale Carnegie
You can only worry about things to a certain point. They are either going to happen...or not. Make your plans for the worse case scenario, then accept the results. Worrying never makes it easier to accept...just prolongs the anxiety.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Very Interesting....
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Lip Liner
I am back now and have continued to not wear lip liner and after 4 days (the weekend and two days at work), I've decided I do not like it. Starting tomorrow - lip liner will be used again. :)

Thursday, May 28, 2009
I Can Choose My Response!
And I suppose non-verbal responses, too... i.e., like NO communication. lol
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Funny Weight Quotes
- The best way to lose weight is to eat everything you don't like.
- Dieting is the triumph of mind over platter.
- The best way of losing weight - don't talk about it. Keep your mouth shut.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Click It or Ticket
The national Click it or Ticket seat belt enforcement mobilization is from May 18 – 31.
Although seat belt use is required in any company vehicle, it is just as important to also buckle up in your personal vehicle when you’re off the clock.
In 2007, nearly 30,000 people in passenger vehicles were killed in traffic crashes nationwide; half of those killed were not buckled up.
Seat belts are the simplest way to reduce deaths and serious injuries.
In 2007 alone, seat belts saved an estimated 15,147 lives, yet one in five Americans still fail to buckle up regularly.
Below are numbers of people killed in traffic crashes in five states last year: ( LA – 985 | MS – 884 | NM – 413 | OK – 754 | TX – 3,363 )
The risks of a fatal crash are highest for nighttime drivers and passengers and young adults.
Nationally in 2007, 4,540 young men and women ages 16-20 were killed in motor vehicle crashes, and 61 percent were not buckled up at the time of the fatal crash.
In addition, nearly two-thirds of all those killed in fatal crashes at night were not buckled up.
On- and off-the-job motor vehicle crashes cost
Costs from motor vehicle crashes totaled more than $200 billion nationwide.
Be a good example to your friends, family, and co-workers. Buckle up every time you get into a vehicle. Click It or Ticket — day and night.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
This has heped me in the past...
Insanity = doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results
Friday, May 1, 2009
Bone Marrow
I went to this and filled out the form.
Their return email said:
Thank you for taking the first step toward saving someone's life.
I can't wait to get the swab and send it back. It'd be awesome if I was a match to someone!!
They have been recently posting stories about people I've never even heard of. Turns out, most of them are on Gossip Girl. I haven't watched one episode, don't even know which channel it's on, and I wont even google it to even provide ya a link in this blog (that's how uninterested I am in it). But many of the actors and actresses sure get A LOT of press coverage. Who changed their hair, who got married, who's fighting with who, who made up, who's kissing who, etc. The show must have a lot of characters on it, because there sure is a lot of stories about so many people that are on the show.
Oh well; I don't mind I don't know anything about the show. :)
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
More Reminders
So love the people who treat you right.
Love the ones who don't just because you can.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Kiss slowly.
Forgive quickly.
God never said life would be easy.
He just promised it would be worth it.
Did You Notice That Move?
The ONLY downfall to going at this time is the cheese of the nachos I buy at the snack stand is not super hot. :( I guess it's because the movie theater just opened, the cheese isn't real warm quite yet.
I have noticed that I get distracted slightly when people come back from the bathroom. However, I never notice they LEFT to go to the bathroom. Why is that??!
Sunday, April 26, 2009

However, what I REALLY noticed on the second day of his now regularly-scheduled Cheetos-afternoon was he did not have any napkins! He would lick his fingers and then fiddle with his papers. He did not once wipe them anywhere afterwards!
I watched him closely the third day, surveying his every move - he didn't even wipe is just-licked, previously-orange fingers on his pants. He just let them "air dry."
I am still dismayed and shocked - I'd be going crazy looking for a napkin!
Friday, March 27, 2009
$150 Million Home For Sale

People is reporting that Aaron Spelling's mansion is for sale. What does it include you wonder?
- bowling alley,
- wine cellar,
- three gift-wrapping rooms,
- library,
- gym,
- screening room,
- humidity-controlled silver storage room,
- tennis court,
- fountains,
- a water fall,
- a pool and spa,
- a reflecting pool and
- 16 car ports.
I, of course, wonder why there are THREE gift wrapping rooms. And what is the difference between a pool and a reflecting pool? What kind of reflection is that? For the soul or an under water-reflection-type thing?
Let the bidding's begin!!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Be Yourself
The people that do mind don't matter.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Wild Berry Skittles

In 1990, the traditional five flavors found in every Skittles pack met their match. It was in that year that (so far) the best ever flavor combination entered the scene. Its members included: raspberry (blue), wild cherry (red), strawberry (magenta), berry punch (purple), and melon berry (green).
I always prefer the berry flavors of Skittles packet anyway, so putting them all together and losing the lemon-lime flavor is a dream come true! Wild Berry even beats out Tropical Skittles. imo. :)
I'm obviously eating Wild Berry Skittles as I type this!
Curly Sue
It is easy to take care of (yay!) and to handle, and it's super soft for some reason. Although it looks a little "wild" at times, I do like it. :)
Here is a pic of it (and me) cheesing for the camera:

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
We Can Choose Our Response
We know what can make us happy, yet we sometimes do nothing about it. What is the reason for that?
Monday, March 2, 2009
Wow, What a Song!
It's called "I Hate This Part Right Here" by the Pussycat Dolls. While I admit I haven't listened too closely to the words, the beat is phenomenal and it's very catchy!!
Check it out below- it's the first song on my Play List. Click Play (the thick arrow button below). See for yourself!