
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Let ME Out

I need some pampering. Not just my nails done, but maybe a new, awesome massage. I need to do some things for me. I love to go out to dinner - I need to do that more but it's slim pickings where I live to go out to eat for dinner as there aren't many friends that live near me. I am also not one to ask for help for anything and even asking someone to go to dinner makes me feel like I am intruding on their time.

I have been super depressed for just over two weeks.
When will it subside?
When will it end?

I have had episodes of depression in my life before, but this one is brutal. I haven't smiled in so long. I want to get out of this funk.

What will be the trigger?
When will it occur?

The good thing is I am getting a lot done at work and I am sleeping. But, I am sad for some reason.

I need to put the ME back in Melinda. Giving 110% to every aspect of my life but myself is taking it's toll. I'm taking steps, but I still don't feel up to par.

I feel so alone.

I can't wait for this to go away. I am ready!

1 comment:

R Riley said...

Big Hugs Mel... too bad you live so far away!