
Monday, January 22, 2018

A Park with Sights Makes Me Happiest

One thing I figured out on Saturday was:  just going to a park isn't what I love.  It has to be pretty!  It has to have pretty things for me to see and feel!

Oh, and I could use water to help my happiness thermometer.  Or I need walking trails with dirt and rocks, if there is no water around.  And blue skies help, too.

But if it's a paved walking path with no beautiful water in sight, I'm not really enjoying things.  I can do a paved path if it has hills, like the one I go to that used to be a golf course.  Then it's a great work out!

But to be walking on large boring flat sidewalk with no sights to look at it, is just not for me.

I want to see water.  Seeing a lake or stream or river simply takes my breathe away.  Makes me stop in my tracks to envy and awe all the blue colors.  Makes my heart race with happiness.  I smile to myself as I hear the water streaming around rocks or splashing against a shoreline.

Even if no water, as long as there are hills and/or pretty flowers and/or dirt and rocky trail, I am happy.

But a longed paved sidewalk with no view and no hills, is just not for me.  I try not to complain or be negative, so this isn't really me complaining, it's more to share I figured out what makes me heart happiest!

Even as I reflect about searching for walking/hiking trails, if I see no water on the google map near the park, I don't investigate it's location and quickly move on to the next potential spot.

I loathed going to a park when it was cloudy two weekends ago, but I still ended up enjoying it to my surprise because the dirt trail was rugged with climbing hills and a lake in the distant.  It's more beautiful with crystal clear skies, of course, but the dirt, rocks, hills and water made for a great walking day.  See:

But this...Nope, not for me:

This?  Yes:

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