
Friday, September 30, 2016

Strong Significant Others

I recall a very poignant and heart breaking comment from my real Dad who shared with me that sometimes a person isn't strong enough for them at that time in their life, to be the best person for them, as their significant other.

Sometimes we need a strong partner to be the person on our arm. 

When I really deeply thought about it, it made sense.

And I saw what he meant, because my Dad's future wife was the strong, supportive woman that he needed in his life.  

While I am extremely jealous person by nature when I have a significant other, the one thing I really LOVE about myself is when an ex gets in another relationship after me, I never get upset, or feel jealous, or angry.


I'm never sad to see an ex happy.  I just know it meant we weren't right for each other at the time.  And I would be hopeful that their new interest would be the right person for them.

I think about what my Dad said.

Especially right now.  An ex immediately started to see a new girl after we broke up and they eventually got married.  While I did everything for this man, I was not the best person for him.  And when I see photos of him and her on FB, and read his words of love for her, I can tell that she is the better person for him in his life than I ever could be.

This isn't taking anything away from me.  I think I am a great woman!  But sometimes other people are stronger and a better "half" at certain points in our lives.

I see how his new wife is a strong-hold for him.  I see how she welcomes his family and prolly prompted him to reach out to them.  I actually like seeing their love for one another online - they deserve happiness (something he and I did not have for the last year of our relationship).

I am the first to admit I used to not be the best girlfriend in the world.  I wasn't mature enough to handle issues well.  I nagged a lot and worried more about my feelings, not how I was treating them - I was just immature and stupid, really.  Sure am glad I'm not that same person anymore!  Whew!

I truly and completely believe that some people DO need to be of certain strength and support of a person to help another;  to be the best significant other for them;  to be the right significant other.

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