
Tuesday, September 6, 2016

People Don't Have to Like You

I think a lot of people get upset when they find out someone doesn't like them.  And they spend a lot of wasted time trying to figure out why.

I was pretty lucky - for whatever reason in my twenties, I was taught or read somewhere that not everyone's going to like you during your lifetime.  And that's actually very okay!

It's fine not to be liked by everyone.  And if you think about it, I think it'd be kind of weird if every single person we ran across in our lifetime did like us, right?

The reason why I write this today is because I saw this quote on Facebook:

And then someone commented this:

"I have a real problem with number 2. If my worst enemy has disdain for me, I drive myself crazy trying to figure out why. Definitely loose sleep over it as well.."

And it made me realize how thankful and grateful I am that whatever I heard or read or was taught in my twenties helped me realize that it's okay when people don't like me.   Because of course not everyone likes me.  Or you. 

I was able to sleep many a night because I learned that it's actually a pretty normal thing.  As you can see, that person is being tormented and it's so unfortunate.  They are inadvertently punishing themselves wondering why someone doesn't like them, when it's pretty normal at some points in our lifetime.

Sure, maybe the reason is something we can work on to improve or better ourselves, but unless they are a good friend who can maybe offer advice, don't even sweat it you aren't liked by all.

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