
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A Vegas Thanksgiving

I am not yet ready to celebrate Thanksgiving, so I decided this year to leave the state and head to my FAVORITE city.  Yep, Las Vegas!

It was such a GREAT trip!

I drove to Vegas last year with my-then boyfriend, and I had a great time sight seeing amazing places (Grand Canyon, Lake Havasu, Lake Powell), but this year I flew to Vegas and spent 6 wonderful, amazing days there!

Here is my trip in pics:

OMG I'm so excited just thinking about how awesome it was!

It was tough to say goodbye to my Lily, but then I had a dealer named Lily!  And then saw my fave dealer, Carla!

Here is a dancing red elf video I took for my friend Teri who love both M&Ms and Christmas!

I ate at Ruth's Chris THREE times!  It's an amazing steak place and since I could simply walk down the strip to Harrah's (where it's located), I did that three times, including on Thanksgiving with my girlfriend Robyn who also lost her Mom to emphysema.  

The last day I got a mud wrap and a massage.  It was very relaxing!

The weather was nice enough I sat by the Paris pool a couple of afternoons and soaked in some sun.

Walked up and down the strip to check out the clothes at the two Ross stores (had to buy a bag to carry back all my new clothes - but now I have a cool new Vegas bag!).  My feet hurt - that really is a long walk, lol, haha.

I got to see Justin Timberlake in concert (my first concert in Vegas), I finally got to see Absinthe (I HIGHLY recommend it, though not for the faint at heart), and also saw the updated Jubilee (last time I saw it was in 1992 I think).

I of course at at the Mirage Sunday Champagne brunch (I try to every time I go) and Pin-Up pizza a couple of times (18 inches of sliced pizza, lol).

I played my two favorite games:  High Card Flush and poker.

I loved the whole time there and it was JUST what I needed.

People can't believe I go alone, but I love walking the strip, gambling, visiting restaurants I'm used to.  It was a great time!

Beautiful Christmas tree at the Venetion!

Some guy digging out coinage.  Ugh.

table fire pits!!

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