
Thursday, February 28, 2019

Helpful Grief Class

Went to a Grief Class last night, second in four weeks. This series of classes was only 4 nights, and last night was the final one. Several of us expressed we wish there were more nights! 

I fully admit I should have gone to Grief Classes or sought help after the loss of my Mom and also after both my Dads. It would have helped my heart, mind, and soul. At least I figured out after Dave passed I needed to get help because his loss was tough on me, so all is not lost. 

This is also my way of suggesting to seek help to those that have lost a loved one, without telling you to actually do it. I didn't listen to this advice before, either, so I actually completely understand if you ignore me.  

This Grief Class has been so amazingly helpful. If I think about it, it's actually been a safe sanctuary. It's been a blessing and comfort I can speak what is in my heart and what is hurting, and yet no one in the room judges me or tries to change my mind about what I was feeling. 

We are all going through the same thing and can relate so deeply to what we each share. It's been a comfort to be accepted for who I am, what I am going through, and what I feel...instead of people trying to convince me I should think or feel different.

P.S. If you go to a Grief Class, I applaud your bravery! Second, if you don't like it, please try another class. There really are some very beautiful ones out there that are more helpful than others.

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