
Thursday, July 12, 2018

Young then Old

Back about 1984, I attended a chili cook off with my parents.  It was in the country with big oaks trees all around and lots of tents that held cooks of the want-to-be-winners.  I was a frail, young, teenage girl about 14 I think.  I don't recall exactly how I looked this day, but I doubt I was wearing makeup, wasn't wearing cute clothes, probably barely even combed my dirty blonde hair haha.

My parents were hanging out with another couple, who had a daughter who was about 18 or 19 I would guess.  She was GORGEOUS.  She had green eyes, dark hair, and was wearing something country but sexy that showed her figure.  She had her makeup perfect, her hair done nicely, and she was simply stunning.

And I wasn't the only one who noticed.  I witnessed a TON of guys hit on her.  A ton.  They were coming up to her and hitting on her like crazy.  As a little teenage girl, I was mesmerized by what was going on, but also confused.

I mentioned a couple of times to my parents that she was getting all the attention.  I can remember whining about it lol.  As I reflect back, I was envious of the attention she was getting.  And I was very confused why I wasn't also getting attention?  I was a girl, also, why wasn't anyone trying to talk to me?  I was standing right next her most of the day, as we walked along the dirt paths checking out the tents, yet I was invisible to all the guys who came up to her trying to talk to her.

What my parents shared with me and tried to explain was it was her age why she was getting so much attention and in time I would go through the same thing.  It didn't make sense to me at the time.  Like, not AT ALL.

Obviously now it does.  She was older and grew into her own body.  I was still undeveloped and just a kid.  She was almost an adult already.  So, the guys were giving her all this attention and hitting on her.  She took it well, just laughed and smiled and said thank you all day long.  She really was a beauty with those green eyes and very pretty.

What has happened now is something I knew would happen eventually..... I am at the other end of the spectrum!  Instead of too young, I'm now too old!

So, I'm at the age again where no one notices me again.  It's a funny thing in life, to go through this.  I mean, we ALL go through this.  But it is interesting nonetheless.  I'm not complaining, as I have internal beauty and a great heart.  Plus, there was 30+ years of in-between the too-young and too-old where people would try to talk to me.  And more importantly, I'm happier at this age than any other age!

The ship has passed, tho.  I better start showing my personality more now, LOL!

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