
Monday, May 22, 2017

Strange Squirrel Behavior - from my Dad

I'm still in a de-cluttering phase and am currently going through some old emails in my inbox.

That's a lot of memories I'm running across... kinda brutal lol.

But here's a cool one.  My Dad (StepDad) would email a couple of times a week, usually to provide updates and little stories about the pets and my Mom from San Antonio.

This one was a good gem:
Yesterday, Sunday, I was enjoying the fine weather we had been having. I was in my power chair retrieving the mail. As I started to turn towards the mailbox I noticed I was being observed by a rather large squirrel across the street. As I slowly made my way towards my mail box this intense creature was following me. I became concerned for my safety. The chirping and chattering became deafening, the bandit came bouncing into the street scarring the daylights out of me, I was barely able to grab my mail and retreat into the back yard with this mad hatter chasing me. When I closed the first gate he ran back across the street into his own territory.  I need to get me a stun gun to defend myself from this dastardly villain. I guess Mom will have to go get the mail from now on. I barely escaped with my life.

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