
Friday, August 19, 2016

August 19th

The day on the calendar I hate most - the day my Mom passed away.

While putting those words on FB, many friends and people who love me (I hope lol) commented with warm thoughts and virtual hugs.  A few people offered solutions, which in my opinion is the last thing I think people should do when we are grieving on tough days.

We honestly don't want to hear to "move on" or "it's the cycle of life, stop being angry" or "she wouldn't want you sad" or "good things happen on those days too."

Funny, no one knows my Mom and she would NOT want me happy on these days about her, lol. 

Here is what I put on FB:

"I hate today. The day my Mom passed away. It was also a Friday, & only 5 years ago the docs told me she was dying. They asked me her wishes, & I said thru brutal tears she wants to not be hooked up in a hospital and instead be comfortable in hospice. Being able to speak for your loved ones when they can't is a GIFT! My Mom told me her wishes for many years. I beg everyone to have this tough conversation so you can speak for your loved ones, when they can't, & you won't be in turmoil with a decision... It would be their wishes, & you will be proud to speak up.

I love and miss you more than life itself, Mom. Every day without you is painful. Thank you for always loving me. I LOVE YOU. ♡♡♡♡"

So, let me share just a few of the AWESOME comments I received that really touched me and meant a lot today:

  • I know today is hard for you. Take comfort in the fact that you did the absolute right thing at the right time because you DID have that difficult talk with your mom. Her unconditional love for you allowed her to be at peace, without you having to make those decisions. I'm here if you need to talk. Love you much!
  • I share your advocacy story with everyone I talk to. I will make sure my final wishes will be known as well. I believe it is very important and a powerful message. I would do everything in my power to fulfill those requests for someone, regardless of my personal feelings. Thank you so much for sharing!
  • Thinking of you this day. Prayers for comfort
  • Love and hugs. She would be so proud of you and your accomplishments and to know you use your voice to make the world a better place.
  • God Bless. Not a single day passes w/out thinking of my pops who died wayyy too early. Im thankful The Man Upstairs allowed him as much time as He did. I like to think of it as a Blessing. Im sure the same could be said of your mom. She raised a heck of child.
  • Hugs, kisses & lots of love for you. You're right... Speaking for your loved ones in a time of need like that means so much to them. It's a peace of mind that everyone should have. Hang in there, mama certainly broke the mold with you!
  • I still say a prayer for her. I know she was a beautiful woman because she left you in her place. I luv you so much. 
  • Bless you Melinda. Your Mom is waiting for you in heaven! She must have been a really wonderful person to have raised such a wonderful, giving back, pool loving, assisting friends, overall big-hearted daughter! You are special. So was your mom. 
  • Sending hugs your way. I'm thankful that you have the strength to share that message with us. Even through your pain you're helping so many others. 

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