
Sunday, August 7, 2016

Acceptance of Aging

"Acceptance" is probably the biggest thing for me right now in my life.

Why now?

Well, because I'm at that age where things are starting to fall apart.  lol.  And, I cant do anything about it!

Trust me - I've tried. 

I've bought a shit-ton of different types of creams and "magic solutions" to hide my new large pores, pills to make my hair grow, plethora of un-satisified new/magical foundation is spread all over my bathroom counter tops, and dog-eared pages in magazines are scattered across my house for potential solutions to all these newly discovered aging "things."

Instead of being depressed about all these new aging things though, I've decided the better (oooh, smarter!) thing to do to keep me from wallowing is to be in a place to "accept."  It's not a place I want to be honestly, but it's actually a very good spot to be for my mind.... almost spiritually.

As is always a good reminder -

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.
So, what are some of these age-denying/defying things I am trying to accept?  Well, let's see:
  • Accepted my metabolism has slowed down to a crawl  (and yet I hear it eventually will stop - more fun times ahead lol.  not).
  • Accepted my pores had widened to the size of the Mississippi River all of a sudden  (I swear there weren't there on my nose before).
  • Accepted my face gets shiny by the end of the day  (never did that before - why am I so shiny now?).
  • Accepted mood swings are in full force (sucks to go from happy to sad for no reason.  Thank you pre-menopause).
  • Accepted I prolly wont ever get a full night of sleep ever again (who needs sleep - oh wait, where's my 8 hours?!)
  • Accepted parts of my body sag where they didn't sag before (I've now got handbags in certain areas under my clothes).
  • Accepted I may or may not get my period (but always must be prepared just in case).
  • Accepted I know now what I look like with jowls ($#%^*(@$#!).
  • Accepted it's tougher to get out of bed and that I walk a lot slower when I have to pee in the middle of the night (even though my bladder would prefer I run, my body just isn't as nimble and quick as it used to be).
  • Accepted my hair just doesn't seem to grow anymore (I should just stop wasting money on the vitamins that aren't working for that).
  • Accepted eyelids droop over my eyeballs (eventually I wont be able to see.  Oh, and my eyelids are no longer the same shape or size on my face).
  • Accepted arms wave a lot more now (not quite sure I have fully accepted this but I still wear sleeveless shirts anyway lol waving hello and goodbye to people).
Like my neighbor who is 70 said to me this week, "no matter how many times I walk at the mall with my husband, I can't lose weight anymore."

I remember when I was a 30, a 65-year-old guy was barely eating any food at all for lunch and quipped, "even if I eat a little I still can't lose weight at this age."

My female friends in their 50s and 60s say they cannot get rid of the "weird" tummy that formed on their once-slim bodies, no matter what they do.

They also tell me they could care less if they ever had sex again or not.  Say it isn't so!

I admit I have been sitting at home pretty upset at all these changes that literally occurred over just a few months time period.  That in itself is shocking, honestly:  that's a lot of different changes to take in at once.  But.... I finally figured out the amazing feeling of "acceptance" and have held my jowled, pored face up a little higher since then.

Sure, I can get botox (already do - who doesn't?) and I could exercise more for some of the things I mentioned, but most are things we just have to accept as we age.  And it's a HUGE adjustment.  Get ready!  It's not easy or pretty.  And I have a feeling in my mid 50s I'll be sharing MORE age-related nuances I will be finding out in 10 years.

While it's tough to share these things, I wish I knew I'd be going through them all, so I'm sharing for others.  I knew metabolism would be an issue as we age, but all these face skin changes were a shock for me.

Hope this helps one person as they reach their mid to late 40s as well.

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