
Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Who You Can Count On

I had been upset for quite awhile last year about how I have no one I can depend on.

Everyone points out I have a lot of great friends who love me, and while that's true, I've also been bit by just enough friends to realize it's difficult to trust anyone at all anymore.

Well, "trust" is a tough word, but what I really, really mean is, "depend on."

And I really don't blame them.  Everyone has their own life to live and can't possibly be there for me when I need help, comfort, or support (whether emotional, physical, to share great news with, reliable, dependable, comforting, whatever type of connection). 

But, I found some major solace late last spring when I realized something that should have been obvious:  I ALWAYS have myself that I can depend on.  And God, too.

Like that new song, /Me Myself and I/ says:

Oh, it's just me, myself and I
Cause I got me for life

So, it's nice to finally realize that without any relatives alive, no dependable friends who live close by, and disappointing ex's who claimed they would be there for me, that I now have the most amazing, comforting feeling because I'm very aware that I know I can always count on myself.  I truly am the most dependable person I know for myself!

Sure, I still need rides to certain doc appointments, or help around the house when I can't move a big piece of furniture on my own, or need my neighbor at times to let my dog out, but overall, I truly can depend on myself for a comforting thought, reassuring voice, and to get things done.  I've been through so much in my life and survived (albeit barely sometimes, lol) this far, that I will be okay depending on 'ole reliable:  ME.

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