
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Quick Skin Help for Your Entire Life

One of my good friends was a Physicians Assistant (PA) for a Dermatology Office in Florida for several years.  She saw skin on all different body types and ages, all throughout the day, every day of the week.

As you are aware, many of the "snow birds" go to Florida to get away from the winter months, so she had a lot of older clients.  And she noticed something interesting about these particular older clients:  some had really great-looking, cared-for skin all over their bodies, while others had dry, flaky, damaged skin (some even with sores).

Being the curious person my friend is, and always wanting to learn, she asked the clients with great skin all over their bodies why their skin looked so good and what was their secret?

Turns out it wasn't really a secret, it was a regimen!

The older folks who had non-dry, awesome-looking skin (compared to the other clients who's skin was itchy, flaky, dry, and not very pleasantly looking) shared that they routinely put moisturizer on their entire body after each bath or shower.

You may think this would take a long time to do, but if you apply the lotion right after you step out of the shower, while your body is still wet - before you towel dry - the water that's already on your skin helps spread the moisture VERY easily and effortlessly into your skin. 

It takes me less than a minute to fully moisture my entire body with lotion after a shower/bath.

The skin is the biggest organ of the human body and we should take care of the entire surface of it - not just our face or the other exposed body parts.

And if you start NOW to apply moisture after every shower/bath, your skin will not only look better when you age, but it will also not get dry and itch later in life.  The skin starts to itch badly later in life, but if you start to moisturize it now, you and your skin will be happier.  :)

Be the client the Physicians Assistant asks what your secret is.  Don't be the person with dry, itchy, flaky skin going to the doc to seek help.

So, do yourself and your skin a favor and moisture it all the time!  Start now.  I don't care if you are 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, or 65.

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