
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Being Nosey

I am a nosey person.  Always have been.

If someone is texting next to me in the car, I'm curious who they are texting and will prolly ask them who (even tho it's none of my business).  If one of the bosses walks in to my bosses office and they close the door, I wonder what they are talking about?  And is it about me?  If my b/f is on the phone across the room, I wonder who he's talking to.  If someone is using their phone near me, I wonder what they are up to.  If I catch a glimpse, they are usually playing games.

I'm just a nosey person, and I will ask you about it if you are around me.  It's just the way I am.  Always been this way.

And I don't comprehend when others aren't.  It doesn't make sense to me.  How can you not be curious, also?"

Once, I sat in my car in the garage for about 30 minutes to finish a phone convo with a friend who was having problems.  My then-husband peeked his head out to see if I was home and then went back inside.  My friend asked me the next day if he asked me who I was talking to.  I said no.  And they were like, "What??!  How can he not ask or be curious?" 

"I dunno," I replied. "It doesn't make sense to me."

They went on, "I don't get it - it would drive me crazy."

"I know!"

I reflected on my nosiness the other day and as most things that make sense.... I figured out that I am nosey because of my parents.  I don't know why I never connected the two, but it makes so much sense now that I think about it.

My Mom was very nosey.  Now, maybe Moms are suppose to be because they need to check on their children, so maybe this was normal?  But, her actions (I think) helped me become a nosey person.

When I was about 15 or 16, she "found" a letter my real Dad had sent me, which included photos of him and his new wife.  I didn't leave things out and laying around, yet she said the letter was on the bed.  My Mom was so distraught because of the photos, she came home early from work that day, cried her eyes out, and thought I was going to leave her and move to be with him because from the photos she thought it was obvious they had "money."  I told her I wasn't going anywhere and she had nothing to worry about.  I had to ask my real Dad not to contact me again until I went to college because it upset her so much.

Another time, in the Summer after my senior year, I had my Mom mail a letter to a friend who was in college.  She woke me up the next morning in tears, asking me questions that she would only know from reading the letter.  I lied to her and told her what she was asking had not happened.  I then called my friend and asked him if envelope was sealed with tape, and sure enough it was. I had not taped the envelope - I licked it to seal it, so the tape confirmed she had opened and read my letter.

No wonder I'm so dang nosey!

Nosiness sucks, btw, but I've been this way my whole life.  It's who I am.  I mean no ill by asking questions, I'm just a curious beast.

Even the other day, someone posted something on Facebook and I was curious how they knew that bit of info.  It wasn't anything major, it was a minor thing, really, but how did they know when only three other people in the world knew?  I asked my b/f how they knew and he didn't know.  I asked again, he got perturbed.  "I don't know, it's not important, I don't care."

I'm thinking, how can you not even be curious?  My mind is trying to connect the dots.  My mind tries to figure things out.  Him?  He could care less.  He's not nosey, not curious.

So, of course when I saw her I asked her about it so I could get the background.

See?  Nosey bitch!

Please don't penalize me for being this way; it's not personal - it's just who I am; it's part of little 'ole me.  I don't play favorites - I'm curious about every one and every thing.

I don't pride myself on being nosey and I actually despise having this "quality."  But, I must accept that's who I am.  And I hope others accept me, too. 

And try to understand.

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