
Monday, May 23, 2016

Questions That Could Change Your Life

Saw this list of questions, where it says the inspiring questions below could change your life.   "Who said that there had to be an absolute answer for each and every question? Sometimes the ability to ask yourself questions’ an act to challenge yourself and help you to be a better person. Try the following questions that may change your life."

Thought it'd be cool to answer them.

Would be interesting to have answered them when I was deeply grieving the couple of years after my Mom passed.  However, I know from experience that even through depression, I am still grateful if I open my eyes through the tears.  I'd like to see what my answers would be every 5 years.

  1. Are you doing what you truly want to do?  Yes, 100%.  I am blessed that I love my job and also get to enjoy life on my terms.
  2. Do you have a dream to follow?  I'm already living it - running a big tour and loving my career.
  3. Are you proud of what you’re doing or what you’ve done?  Yes.  Absolutely. 
  4. How many promises have you made and how many of them have you fulfilled?  I only use the word "promise" if I can fulfill it.  Otherwise, I just don't say it.  So, yes I have fulfilled all.
  5. What’s the one thing you really want to do but have never done so, and why?  Not sure there is something I've never done before that I wanted to.  Do more outdoor things is all I really wish I would do more.  Why not more? - Time (and excuses).
  6. Have you ever failed anyone who you loved or loved you?   My Mom always wanted me to get my Masters degree.  She prolly thought I failed her for not doing that.
  7. Will you take a shot if the chance of failure and success is 50-50?  Yes.
  8. If you could travel to the past in a time machine, what advice would you give to the 6-year-old you?  At 6 I may not remember what I would tell myself.  I guess it would be to not worry so much about things you can't control like you will do a lot in your life.
  9. Will you break the rules because of something/someone you care about?  Yes.
  10. Have you ever abandoned a creative idea that you believed because others thought you were a fool?  Nope
  11. What would you prefer? Stable but boring works or interesting works with lots of workload?  The latter.
  12. Are you afraid of making mistakes even though there’s no punishments at all?  No.
  13. If you would clone yourself, which of your characteristics you wouldn’t want to be cloned?  Lack of willpower.
  14. What’s the difference between you and most of the other people?  Well, this is the toughest question so far.  I think I have a beautiful heart.  I think others are more forgiving, tho.  I love growing and maturing.  The honest difference is I live my life as I wish and I know others don't get to do that. 
  15. Are you making some influences on the world or constantly being influenced by the world?  Making influences.
  16. The thing you cried for last time, does it matter to you now or will it matter to you 5 years later?  Wont matter at all.
  17. Is there anything you can’t let go of but you know you should?  How fast is seems like I'm aging.
  18. Do you remember anyone you hated 10 years ago? Does it matter now?  'Hate' is another word I don't usually use.  So, I don't think so.  Guess it doesn't matter now if I did. 
  19. Which makes you happier, to forgive someone or to hate someone forever?  Happier?  Hmm... I don't hate anyone, but it's tough for me to forgive. 
  20. What are you worrying about and what’s the difference if you stop worrying about it?  My weight.  I'd prolly be happier not worrying about it.
  21. If you’d die now, would you have any regrets?  NONE.
  22. Which one would you prefer, having a luxurious trip alone or having a picnic with people you love?  The latter.
  23. Who do you admire and why?  People that live life to the fullest.
  24. Is there anyone who inspired you and made you who you are today?  June Hager Walter.
  25. What’s the thing you’re most satisfied with?  That I use my tough learning experiences to help others.
  26. When was the last time you laughed and what did you laugh at?  My dog Lily being way too smart for herself.
  27. Are you doing anything which makes you and people around you happy?  I surprise people with gifts.  If they share on FB they want something, and I happen to see that, then I surprise them by buying it for them.  Sometimes it's for people I barely know.
  28. Is there anyone who you love or loves you?  Yes, a few dear friends. 
  29. When was the last time you really talked with your parents/family?  A week before my Dad passed, a week before my Mom passed.
  30. If happiness is a currency, how rich do you think you are?  Abundant!
  31. If today’d be the end of the world, what’d you do?  I first typed out that I would make a few very important phone calls.  But, honestly, I would want my last words to be to the people I care about most, and to let them know why they mean so much to me. 

Guess I'm doing well.  :)

What about you?

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