
Thursday, May 12, 2016

Curious Beast

I'm one of those people who is always curious.  If you look up the Myers-Briggs personality trait chart thingy, one of the traits of my personality is that I'm always nosy or curious.  I ask a ton questions because I'm a curious beast.

However, because I'm strongly curious, when someone is evasive yet trying to share something with me, I usually ask for even more details lol.  Not because I share anyone's business, just because I'm curious.  I've been this way my whole entire life.

Some people really don't like it, but it's who I am. 

I'm actually one of those people that can keep a secret and never tell anyone else about their demons or secrets or sacred thoughts or activities going on in their lives.  I pride myself on the fact I am a trustworthy friend.  But, that doesn't mean I'm not nosy lol.  I am simply, well, curious about things.  Well, every thing.

However, I remember distinctly about six or seven years ago a co-worker who was who was on the verge of retiring shared with me that sometimes it makes the other person feel uncomfortable to ask nosy questions.  It can be seen as a sign of disrespect, she was trying to explain.  You would think after hearing her words that it would help me or lean me towards not asking as many questions.  But, alas, I'm still a curious person.  Since it's part of my personality, I'm not going to beat myself up over the fact that I'm a curious person and it's just who I am.

I'm /such/ a curious person that it actually always baffles me when others aren't lol.  But, that is THEIR personality trait - to not be curious.

But when I share something with someone and then they don't ask me any details, I wonder why they don't want to know more.  Let's say I hint that I'm seeing someone.  And my friend I'm confiding in doesn't ask me who.  I walk away thinking, how could they not ask who?  Or, if someone shares something at work about a co-worker, and another person isn't even curious which co-worker they are talking about, I don't understand.  "Why didn't you ask who it was?" I'll ask intrigued and down right frustrated we now don't know who it was who got in trouble (as example).  But, it's just not in their personality to be curious or care for those details.

These are just the facts of different personalities, based on the Myers-Briggs studies and others.  So, I hope others don't get upset I might ask a lot of question or seem overly curious - just who I am.  And, I am aware that being curious helps me learn and be a better person, friend, coworker because I learn so much from others.

I actually deeply feel that Myers-Briggs should be taught in middle school and high school.  I didn't know anything about Myers-Briggs until a leadership class 10 years into my career.

I think that studying Myers-Briggs would be very helpful to a lot of families. Teenagers and parents would understand each other, friends would understand friends better, coworkers would understand co-workers better, etc.  It helps so much in all aspects of all relationships.

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