
Monday, December 3, 2012

I Actually Multi-Task Very Well, Believe It Or Not

I get a text from Brian during lunch reminding me to submit something for him online.  I save the text, knowing I may forget.

I get back to my office.

I re-open up my work email, start to reply to Jane H.

It reminds me I need to call Todd in Tampa, FL about a form that needs to be filled out for a new project.

While I'm on the phone, I remember I need to call Allen in Jackson, KY about something for my boss.

While on hold, I grab an envelope, because I remembered I need to mail something.

I leave the unaddressed envelope on my desk as a reminder to address it, stamp it, and mail it later.

That reminds me I need to ask my friend Juan about a mutual friend.

I get off the phone and email something to the Tampa office immediately about the new project we just spoke about.

I then remember I wanted to post something funny on FaceBook (FB) about my dentist.

I open up FB real quick, and read a link about a funny chicken (I swear!).

I forget I wanted to post about my dentist.  But I re-post the link about the chicken!

I close FB, get back to my work email.

See something that reminds me I need to check my phone for the text message.

I turn on my phone and see the battery is dying.  I grab the cord and plug it in.

But then I go back to my work email and I forget to check my text messages on my phone.

I then recall I need to call my dentist.

OH, and post about it on FB.  THAT's why I got on FB!

I go to open up FB, but see an email in my personal email that I forgot to forward to a business owner.

I forward the email.

That reminds me again I need to talk to Juan.

I forget to open FB again.
I then open my drawer to try and find my dentists' phone #.

I can't find any receipt so I can't find his #, but see a memo from work I wanted to work on today.

I pick up the memo and lay it on my desk as a reminder.

I then realize, OH - I have my dentists' # in my phone.

I go to my phone that's on the charger, see the text from Brian as a reminder to submit the online form for him.

I forget to get my dentists' # !

BUT, it reminds me to text Brian about his drivers license.

I then see some new emails in my work inbox and check them diligently.

I then look down and see the memo on my desk.

I pick up the memo and underneath it was the blank envelope.

I put the memo down and address the envelope (I'm making some progress here).

I reopen my drawer for a stamp, see my checkbook, it reminds me I still need to call THE DANG DENTIST!


AND put up the funny comment about my dentist on FB (that's no longer funny to me).

I reach for my phone to call my dentist, see the text from Brian.

Finally submit the online form for him.

I move the envelope to the edge of my desk so I remember to mail it when I leave today.

I pick up the memo, it reminds me to call Allen in Jackson.

I put the memo back down, call Allen, but have to leave a voicemail for him, which reminds me - I still need to CALL THE DANG DENTIST!
Fifteen minutes in the life of Melinda (lmao)

1 comment:

R Riley said...

OMG I can totally relate...