
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Touching Words from Work Friends About Mom

When my Mom passed on August 19th (2011) (the hardest day of my life), my boss sent this email out the next day to let my coworkers know:

"I share with sadness that Melinda's mother passed away last night.  She had been in ICU since early last week, following major hip surgery.  Many of you know that Melinda had been the primary caregiver for her mother over the past few years, and she'd tirelessly dedicated her time and energy to the welfare of her chronically ill mom.  I think her courage through all this has been pretty inspirational, frankly. "

Then a coworker emailed me later that day:

"Sorry to hear about the passing of your mom.  You were a true hero in doing everything that you could to keep your mother happy and to take care of her during the final years.  It is a tough battle doing this by yourself.  Throughout the entire ordeal, you always kept a wonderful balance of work and taking care of your mother.  She is in a better place now, and you can take solace in knowing that you did all you could for her.  You really did.  If there is anything that I can do for you in the days or weeks ahead, let me know."

I miss my Mom SO much!   Mother's Day is around the corner and I think it might kill me.  :(

My Mom, 5 years ago when she was healthy.

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