
Friday, October 10, 2008

Sleep (Deprived )

I haven't slept too well since July. I'd go to my bed, get in bed, and lay there for hours and hours, thinking and thinking, and not falling asleep. Waking up a lot in the middle of the night, thinking some more.

I finally started to take some Tylenol PM so I would FALL asleep. I would definitely sleep, but my body didn't FEEL like it slept. The nights I didn't want to take that, I'd take some Percogesic. I don't think that helps, but it makes me THINK it helps. At tournaments, I'd take Alka Seltzer Plus - that always worked in the past to help me sleep AND ward off ailments from all the smoke and germs from the pool room.Well, this week it's happened - I slept! For three nights in a row, I have had dreams for the first time in months! They weren't anything special, but I finally FELT like I had a good nights sleep AND had dreams - both a GREAT sign. :)

I hope this keeps going. I hate to take pills. And I do love sleep. I haven't slept past 830am on a day off since I can't even remember...... maybe a year?

What does that feel like? To SLEEP IN? At this point, I'm not complaining....because.... at least I am sleeping this week! Yay! Cross your fingers for me to make it last. :)

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