
Monday, October 20, 2008

Nine Year Liquid Drought Ended

I haven't drank alcohol since August 1999. I remember the night/day like it was yesterday. I drank throughout my 20s and drank too much, quite honestly.

I made some rules for myself to be "responsible." I didn't drink under three scenarios:
  1. If I had to work the next day,
  2. If I had a pool tournament the next day,
  3. And I wouldn't drink or drive.
Since my boyfriend at the time was always out of town, I didn't have many chances to drink b/c I was always drove myself to the pool hall or pool tournaments.

Well, in August 1999, I was in Las Vegas to see my boyfriend play in a pool tournament. I wasn't playing pool, didn't have to go to work, nor do I drive in Vegas (cabs everywhere), so I drank! Since I hadn't drank in a while, the alcohol hit me rather hard and I drank WAY too much.  Way...  :(

As I flew home that early afternoon of the next day, I was still drunk and called my dear friend June who suggested I shouldn't drink anymore.

That was the last day I drank alcohol...

Until... Oct 18, 2008.

I was at a tournament and after my last match of the night on Saturday night, I walked by this guy i was seeing and took a sip of his soda, but it was spiked. I couldn't believe it! I kind of stood there in shock as I watched my friends take shots. I piped up and said I would take a shot, being bold, but they didn't hear me. I dared them again and this time they heard me! They got excited and even hugged me! We took out the Captain Morgan Spiced Rum and we took a shot. Everyone had a chaser but me - what's the big deal? I used to drink Jack straight!

I got dropped off at my hotel, stayed up with my full tummy, was online for about an hour or more and then went to sleep. I was hoping I wouldn't be hung over in the morning, after all, I had a 9am match and hadn't drank in 9 years, but went to sleep around midnight.
I woke up just fine, got ready for my tournament and proceeded to snap that bitch off!!! (that's a story for another blog)

So, I wasn't hung over, but told a few friends (and even my Mom) that I had drank and they were just as shocked as I was with the words coming out of my mouth. While I felt I "held" my liquor well that night, I sure did want more and more shots. That's my weakness - don't want to stop. EEeeek!

So, will I drink again? I think so. I think I will. :(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really you felt the need to drink because that was our wedding night and you were drinking for us.. hehe