I go to Silver Spring, Maryland for work the week of October 20th and Sherry lives within a two hours drive and I make plans to stay over a day to see her new place and spend some time with her. We also plan to visit one of the psychics she likes so much!
Sherry is very excited for me but I am a little nervous what the woman will say.... and I admit, I'm also a little skeptical.

After reading a few cards, she says I am "closed" and no letting energy out and she can't read me too well. I guess she says this because I don't relate to the things she is telling me. I deliberately (as you are suppose to) not give away a lot and let her talk as she asks every once in a while, "does this make sense to you?" I guess in a way........ she was asking if any of what she was saying rings a bell about my life. I say "no" to most of the things the first 15 minutes and we both kind of giggle at the experience but she says again I am "closed" and "hard to read." All the while I really want to hear if she gets things right!
The first set of cards is just for me, i.e. about me only.
The next set of cards was specifically for relationships. I finally let out a few things about my Mom and she gives her "opinion" or "advice" based on the new set of cards she is using. The "relationships" cards was a much better experience. Her topics/advice/senses would focus around what card she flipped over at the moment.
She did get many things right about my relationship with my Mom but overall not correct. She did mention at one point "your ex husband" and I had not even mentioned I was married, so that was cool!
I asked about my current male relationship (a guy named Keith I see every once in a while from Shreveport) but I thought her responses were more related to Tony (my ex husband) than my "new little friend."
She did suggest some things about my Mom and I will take those to heart - it's good advice.
Overall, I was not impressed and thought she was more grasping at things she "felt" about me and my Mom. I also think she gives advice or suggestions, kind of like a therapist-type person would do.
I am glad I did it and may do it again some time - again with a reputable, recommended person, - just for another experience. I hear it takes a couple of times with a good person for them to "sense" you better. Sherry even said the first reading with this woman didn't go well but the subsequent ones were much better.
I did like the woman very much.
Oh, and I thought it was pretty cool I was able to take notes - 30 minutes of info is a lot of things to try and remember!