
Friday, August 1, 2008

My Cat is Sick... :(

My lovely, sweet cat, Miss Q, is sick. She wasn't acting herself Thursday evening and by Friday afternoon, I rushed home from work to take her to the vet, frantically. Long story short, my 16-year-old cat might have kidney disease or kidney failure and has to stay at the Vet hospital ALL weekend hooked up to an IV and have blood work done. She hasn't ate, throws up when she does eat, and can't go potty, either. She is dehydrated and not moving around a lot.

Here are some recent pics I took of us just a couple of weeks ago while we were snuggling. I was playing with my new camera phone - now it doesn't seem so silly. I miss her around me already, and hope she's not in pain right now.


Anonymous said...

I hope your cat gets better soon! And I hope you find your sunny disposition, because the blog before your cat one (which by the way, LOVE the pictures of you and your kitty!)seemed a little down, and I know that I've felt a little down the last week or so and it sucks!
Hopefully we'll both be feeling great in no time (along with your cat!)
Take care,

Anonymous said...

I hope your kitty is doing better now... it's hard when a pet is sick..