
Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Therapist Time

I mentioned in my previous blog post that I am seeing a therapist.

I am not shy to admit such things at all; nothing wrong with getting help, right?!

And what's super cool about this is, I noticed a few months ago how my two-week-long reaction to a situation made me realize I was still having some issues I couldn't control that I wanted to work on. And I therefore I wanted to seek some help.

For me, that is actually REALLY huge.

There has been one other time in my life where I sought therapy because I knew I needed help. I had just gone through a severe bout of deep depression, and one day I just simply said, "Man, I need some help."

I can't begin to explain why all the other bouts of severe depression didn't kick my butt to go see a therapist or seek help, but for some reason that severe depression episode when I was 35 years old just made me want to.

This most recent instance of not being in control scared me. I didn't like how I reacted to a potentially high-stress situation coming up at work. And because of that, I wanted to look into what was going on with me and therefore researched therapists who might be able to help me.

Again, I can't begin to explain why this particular situation led me to want to seek help, when in the past I've experienced very similar episodes and didn't even consider looking into help. Maybe I just have more self awareness in my life now for some reason?

My therapist and I have chatted about 4 times now and I have another session this week.

I am so thankful I reached out to someone. I am actually really proud of myself! And I'm smiling as I type this.

Btw, I am discovering that I need to instill coping strategies when I feel or experience fear/stress/anxiety. This takes a huge amount of self reflection that I actually really like! I am not yet utilizing all my coping strategies or skills, but just knowing when I should or realizing I'm feeling a certain way is a huge step for me. (more smiling!)

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