
Thursday, May 9, 2019

When you walk into a room full of strangers...

I love it when people surprise me, especially when it's the complete opposite of my thinking or characteristic. And even more so when it's kind of shocking to me.

A colleague from another office was visiting my work and I stopped by her temporary office to see how her day went.

We got to talking about all sorts of things.  At some point we started to talk about going out.

And she shared something so amazing, I couldn't wait to write it here on my blog to share with others.

She basically said she loves going to parties or functions or situations where she doesn't know a single person! She actually loves to enter a room full of people she doesn't know, so she can talk to them and get to know them!

It was pretty foreign to my ears; I had never heard of such a thing in my life!

Sure, I've heard extroverts state they are comfortable in situations where they don't know anyone. But to say you get excited walking into a room of strangers because you can't wait to get to know all of them, was actually quite shocking and amazing, but also beautiful and impressive!

I shared this with a top leader here at my office who is an extrovert and even he was impressed/surprised by her comment.  It's pretty unusual, but also pretty cool thinking, huh?!

Now, calm down, peeps.  Please don't think that this is something I will become lol.  I am an introvert around people I don't know, but it's still pretty amazing of her and also gives us another perspective of how to look at a room full of strangers. 

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