
Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Social Media Creates Pain

I am really seeing and deeply feeling how social media has helped develop non-personal connections.

No longer do we pick up the phone, call, or text someone when they are in need.  Instead, we just post on Facebook and think it's great and enough.

For those who have no one, you'd think FB would actually allow more connections.  However, all it really does is make one realize just how alone we really are in this big world.


Babylon Brother said...

I respectfully disagree. Facebook is what you make of it. There is no way I could have ever established and maintained connections with my family in foreign countries let alone my children and grandchildren here in the U.S.. Email would not and could not provide the close and immediate connection that Facebook provides. You are as isolated as you choose to be. If anything, blame yourself -- not Facebook.

Melinda said...

You have your opinion, i have mine. I Don't judge your opinions, and kicking me when I'm down is not helpful.