
Monday, June 18, 2012

Hidden Litter Box

My neighbors back in San Antonio made this AWESOME kitty litter box hideaway!

It looks like a regular cabinet/table thingy, with a large door.

But what is hiding inside the stained "cabinet" is a litter box!  There is a clever hole on the side that the cat can walk through and then safely walk into the litter box.

The small walk-in for the cat is hidden on the side, so it isn't easily seen by people visiting your home.  And because the litter box is inside this "cabinet" it helps control the smell too.  Plus, we all know how cats like their privacy when doing their business!

The big door is for a good purpose - so you can easily take out the kitty litter box to clean it!

I have two of these.  I love them; extremely versatile.

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