
Thursday, November 13, 2008

My Sweet Experience

My Mom wanted me to buy her some sweet potatoes when I went grocery shopping for us. I walk over, grab what looks like a sweet potato, but it says "Yam" on the sign. I look confused, I look around, I look some more at the funny looking things in front of me.

Sweet Potato


While I don't like or eat (or ever tasted) sweet potatoes or yams, I'm pretty sure this is a sweet potato.

I ask a very striking, early 30-something, tall black woman, "are these sweet potatoes?" She looks at me like it was my first time in this part of the grocery store. She looks at me, then the things in front of me, as I point to the sign and she replies with no emotion and possibly sympathy for me, "yes, sweet potato."

I pick out several small ones, per Mom's request.

I check out in the "self check out" lane for the first time in many months b/c the other lanes are long, I am tired, and I have less than 20 items or so.

At the point of grabbing the bag of small yams, I choose the "Y" from the menu on the screen for fruits/vegetables to beat them at their own game - they can't fool me anymore! But I don't see Yams listed!! I am now amused with myself and choose "S"... and now no Sweet Potatoes are listed! I am now thoroughly confused but somehow (almost unconsciously) decide to search "P" and many choices of potatoes show up, one of them Sweet Potatoes!

I race home, cuz I am real tired and sick of arguing with Wal Mart pharmacy idiots and also arm wrestling the damn "self" photo printer in the store.

I search for yam photos and sweet potato photos for this blog entry and found this GREAT blog explanation!!


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