
Saturday, November 3, 2007

Q and A

You know these questions... the ones you get via email... well here are my answers:

If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Probably blue, because it’s neutral.
Favorite Drink?
I love Diet Sprite or Sierra Mist Free.
Do you wear contacts?
Favorite month?
Hmm… May b/c BCA Nationals are in Vegas in May!
Favorite food? Nachos, french fries and tacos.
Favorite day of the year?
Used to be Christmas, now… ?
What was your favorite toy as a child?
Those little matchbox cars.
Summer or winter?
Definitely summer.
Hugs or kisses?
Chocolate or vanilla?
What is under your bed? Plastic containers that contain junk I should throw away.
What are you afraid of?
Well, I would hate it if I ever lost my job, otherwise, not sure I am afraid of anything. My greatest fear for the longest time didn’t happen.
Plain, buttered or salted popcorn? Lightly salted.
Favorite car?
Infiniti SUV.
Favorite flower?
Most any flower, I think, is beautiful.
Favorite day of the week? Saturday.
How many states have you lived in? Two.
How many cities have you lived in? Seven.
What is your favorite football team? Dallas Cowboys.
What is your favorite candy?
Reeses Peanut Butter Cups.
Eye color: Hazel/Brown.

Ever been to
Africa: No.
Croutons or bacon bits: Croutons.
Favorite restaurant: Pappassittos, Carrabbas, Golden Phoenix.
Favorite sport to watch: Golf, pool, and finals of most all sports.
Favorite ice cream: Chocolate chip.

Disney or Warner: Warner.

Favorite fast food restaurant: It used to be Wendy’s, now I’d say Taco Bell, maybe?

What do you do most often when you're bored: Get on the computer.

Favorite TV show: The Closer, Law and Order.

What is your favorite color: Grey.

How many pets do you have: One cat, Miss Q.

Hobbies: Websites, leadership, pool.
Favorite Movie: The Mummy, You’ve Got Mail, and The Fifth Element.
Favorite Band: Nine Inch Nails.
Favorite Celebrity: I can’t decide!
Least Favorite Food: Onions.
Favorite Alcoholic Drink: Jack Daniels (straight)
Most Embarrassing Experience: My crack was showing in match and the one day I wore a skirt to high school – a kid sped his car through a puddle and splashed me.
Most Exciting Experience: Graduating from college and when I went skydiving!
Most memorable person: June Hager Walter

Favorite Vacation Spot:
Las Vegas!
Pet Peeve: When people ask you their opinion and then they try to explain why it’s not right. Argh!
Favorite Scent: My Mom’s perfume.
Did you play any other sports when you were younger? Not really… my Dad wanted me to focus on my grades.
What trait do you most admire in people? Caring, helpful.
What inspires you? The qualities I see in my friends.
What discourages you? Negative people, not learning from my mistakes, procrastinating.
What is something you wished you were better at? Listening, remembering, typing and pool.
Apples or
Oranges? Both are fine.
Broccoli or Cauliflower? Neither.
Pancakes or French Toast? Pancakes.
Chicken or Beef? Beef.
Baked Potato or Fries? Fries.
Drama or Comedy? Both.
Bookstore or Library? Bookstore.
TV or Movies? Both.
Coffee or Tea? Neither!
Books or Magazines? Magazines.
Car or Truck? SUV.
Sun or Moon? Sun.
Morning or Night? Night.
Frozen or Fresh? Frozen.
Jeans or dresses? Jeans.

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