
Wednesday, January 9, 2019

2019 Goals?

I am staunchly stubborn about new year resolutions (read more about this from me back in 2011).  I think having goals are better.  Personally, I have been more successful with goals than resolutions my entire life.

However, I haven't really had any personal goals lately.  With my pool journey, I had goals galore!  But not really away from the pool table.

I think the last personal goal I had (not related to pool) was in 2017:  to walk in a new park at least once a month.  I completed that!  And it was one of my most favorites goals I've had in a long while.  I wanted to do that again in 2018, but life got in the way.

I had a goal (maybe that same year in 2017) to eat out once a month with a female friend.  I started that year off well, but life got in the way of that goal, also, and only had a few dinners the rest of the year.  I have already started that again in late 2018, though, and actually want to make this a LIFE goal - not just for a year or certain years.  I actually have a list of friends I want to go to dinner with.  They have no idea they are even on this list of mine, tucked on an app in my phone (but more about this list later).

So, what would be my goals this year?  I think the same, really.  Walk in a park once a month and go to dinner or meet with a girlfriend once a month.  Those two things make me very happy so why stop them, right?

Further, there are many things I do that aren't necessarily written-down goals, but things already in my head I want to work on.  The two main ones for 2018 were:  declutter my house and be an even more productive employee.

I excelled at both actually in 2018, and I can already see I am still doing both of those "unwritten goals" as I slip into 2019.

I actually really LOVE decluttering.  I have a 2 story house and I am trying to go through every inch of it to declutter and organize.  I am shocked how long it's taking me, but I do take my time on weekends and it is a lot of things I am going through.  And I find I go through things every few months again and downsize even more and more each time.  You have to understand it's not all my things - about a quarter of it is from my parents house.  When I moved my Mom up here ten years ago, 75% of what was in her house of 35 years was moved into the house I'm in now, so there are a plethora of all sorts of things still to really scrutinize and organize, lol.  I'm loving working on not being a some-what hoarder anymore, too!  Going through the house with a fine-toothed comb makes one realize just how much of things I buy that I need to STOP buying just because I think the manufacturer will stop making a certain type of shampoo or lipstick (even though those two have happened and many other things I miss and can no longer buy).  But, that's no reason to over-buy anymore.  Oh, and I have a ton of things to donate and am super excited about that, as well.

As for work, I got the highest rating I have ever received in my review in Oct.  I have always been a great employee.  Very dependable and conscientious.  But I wanted to up that even more.  Being sober for two years has allowed for me to come into work with a clearer mind and ready to be more productive.  I still got my job done all those years with hangovers, but I could have been more productive, but I just didn't have the energy.   Now I'm excelling even more at my job.  I can tell my bosses depend on me and are grateful for that in one of their employees.  It makes me feel pretty amazing.  I've always loved my job, and I love it even more now because I'm so much more productive and happy.  My job definitely gives me such great purpose in life!

I guess the one new goal would be to blog more in my personal blog.  I have so many topics (I keep a list for that, too), just haven't figured out how to find the time to write more.  I can't get the internet at home still, so, staying late at work is so far my only solution, and that time is also dedicated to my pool blog, as well.  But, I want to try and post at least twice a month here this year.  Well, I'd like to post more than that, but I should start off do-able :)

Welcome to 2019!

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