
Monday, February 2, 2015

Love Lost

Remembering love lost, is like thinking about past bad drunk nights.

You unfortunately only remember the good times, not the bad times that should make you realize how horrible it was.

All those mornings you wake up, "OMG I'm never drinking again."  And then somehow, your brain doesn't remember that as you go back out only a week or so later and REPEAT.

Lost love is the same way.

We have to force ourselves to remember all the bad times of a relationship, because it's easier and let's face it, more enjoyable, to think of the good times.

When instead, we need to remember how bad we were treated.  How many times we cried.  How many times we were treated horribly.

Come on brain - remember all those horrible times we were treated so badly and cried SO many times at work!

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