
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Dream Tips

Thought I'd share two advices about dreams that people shared with me.


If you are frustrated that you can't remember your dreams in the morning (like most of us), put a notepad near your bed with a pen/pencil.  When I was in 7th grade, our art teacher wanted us to do a painting about one of our dreams and he suggested this technique to remember them.  When you wake up in the middle of the night, quickly write down notes about the dream.  Then when you wake up in the morning (when you were suppose to, not in the middle of the night, lol), the notes will remind you of the dream!


I wake up A LOT to go pee in the middle of the night.  Once my brain starts to churn, I normally can't go back to sleep.  A co-worker suggested that if I keep in mind the dream I was having, lay back down still thinking of the dream.  That sometimes will help you fall back asleep.  (and whatever you do, never look at a clock!  That will just frustrate you to know what time it is).

Sweet Dreams!

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