I have heard my whole life, you should be with someone who complements you and brings out the best in you.
Until that happens, you have no idea just how absolutely beautiful that really is.
And how awesome it feels.
To be told "you bring out the best in me" and at the same time to see that someone wants to ONLY bring out the positive side of myself, is one of the most beautiful things I have experienced.
And it's not just being NOT around negative people.
It's about surrounding yourself with supportive people, encouraging people, people that do not WANT to hurt you, ever.
To be in a relationship where we each complement each other is truly amazing and I'm at a loss for words how to even describe it or why it's so awesome. I guess because we each feel special; because we bring out the best in each other. I mean seriously, HOW COOL IS THAT?
Enjoying life together.
Wanting to be together.
Supporting each other.
Recognizing each others' attributes and bringing them out.
If you are lucky enough to find someone who complements you, and you them, then you are very blessed!
I have this now. And it is AMAZING. Waited my whole life for this, and it was well worth the wait. :)